Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Photo Card

Cubes Pea Baby Announcements
Shutterfly has personalized baby birth announcement cards.
View the entire collection of cards.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Happy Birthday Ethan!

Ethan is finally here!
So here is the short version of how his birthday came to be, the longer may come later. Stephanie was due October 7th, and knew he was a squirmy baby since early summer when he began kicking mommy every few hours and got more and more frequent since. He was not really progressing in labor like we had hoped and when the doctor guessed seven and a half pounds on the 4th we knew he was going to be big.
We scheduled an induction for Tuesday the 9th so he would hopefully have progressed to labor by the 10th when our doctor was on call. As we progressed through the night on the 9th and into the 10th we didn't sleep much, anxious to meet our baby Ethan, and contractions getting more frequent and painful also didn't help the situation. We continued to progress throughout the 10th and as he became closer to being here it became more of a reality that he may be too big to fit through the birth canal, and a C-section may be required to get our little monkey here to us. We determined sometime between 11 and 12 that a C-section was the correct path to go, and that he would be healthier if he came sooner because he was worn out and having small cardiac worries with the doctor.
Stephanie, after surviving all day of labor decided that this was best and we prepped for surgery. We went into the OR about 12:30 and 7 minutes after surgery began we had a little baby boy, born at 1:07am on 10-11-12, a great birthday for our chubby little monkey. He was finally able to make it, and after they wiped him off was given to mommy for a few short minutes of skin to skin before daddy took him down to the nursery to find out he weight 8 pounds 8 ounces, and is 21 inches long. He had a little conehead from being pushed but has decreased dramatically. We are excited to have him with us, and cannot wait to bring him home as a family and be able to have him here forever!

I know you all probably  want to see pictures of his hospital stay, so they are right HERE!


Eric, Stephanie and Ethan

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

I like to ride my bicycle!

Hello everyone!
I received a very special birthday present a week after my birthday. Stephanie bought me a bike! It is a Trek 1.2 bike, and super shiny and fast! So after we bought the bike, we of course needed the shorts with padded underwear feeling so your butt doesn't fall asleep, a jersey so you can put a phone in your back pocket and keep cool, shoes so you can forget to unclip at traffic lights and tip over, and clips of course to go with the shoes. Then after that, we were all set and ready to go for a ride! I have gone for a few rides now, and its fun and fast! I am averaging 16 mph, which isnt too bad I guess, and gives me a challenge each ride to hit. I have gotten up to 36 mph once, and hit at least 30 sometime in every ride. It does help that our house is close to a river so whatever way you go out, you are bound to come down a hill in the final stretch. It is a very fun toy and will hopefully keep me in shape and help me loose a few pounds while I am at it too. Stephanie was very nice to let me get it, and I am very happy to have it!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Week 1 of Mexico

This past week went by so fast! I was down in Mexico for work as we are working a major project that is now in one of the most critical phases. Needless to say it was working basically all day every day. I managed to have time Thursday to go to dinner with the two others that were down working on the project as well, but meetings and emails took up all the rest of the time.

During the trip, I got to participate in a real Mexican fire drill. We did get warned about it, so it wasn't a surprise when the alarms started going off. It was interesting to see how many people actually work in the factory, but it was uber hot outside so I was glad that it only lasted about 20 minutes.

It's not my favorite to travel, but because of the time change I ended up being up as early as Eric finally so I got to talk with him in the mornings as he was driving to work. That was good because I didn't have too much time later to talk.

Amazingly, my flight out Sunday went perfectly no issues. And coming back Friday, I got into Dallas just fine and was amazed as I always have problems with airplanes. Well, it was just coming. As we were in the air to Denver, we got told we had to divert to Colorado Springs as the Denver airport was closed and we needed to refuel. So I have now spent an hour there. I called Eric on the ground and he said they were having rain and a tornado warning. There was also lightning so we had to just chill. When we finally made it to Denver we sat for at least a half hour waiting for a gate because there were not enough ground crews available due to the airport having been closed. I was just so glad that I wasn't trying to catch a connection.

Eric got to go out with the build crew for the whole week and build awesome waterfalls. Saturday he had to go to work as they had been delayed by the rain on Friday. So I went down with him as I hadn't seen him all week long. I chilled and read baby books. Afterwords we chilled in Denver and got more baby stuff. We got our cute Sunshine light and a car rug/playmat. We had fun playing with the one toy car we have on it. Baby was jealous and was kicking because he wanted to play with us to.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Oh BOY!!!!

Hello! Anyone out there? Yeah we are not good at writing on this thing, but what do you expect? So our lives since the last post have changed... a lot, needless to say Stephanie is 22 weeks along this week with our little baby BOY due October 7th!!! Many of you probably know this, but some may not, so there ya go, were going to be parents! I have finished my spring semester at CSU, one full year done! I survived Spanish, which does not mean I can speak Spanish, just that I can tell you that carrots are orange and other things like it that will not help me in landscaping fields, that is unless I run into someone who doesnt know what color carrots are, or that the weather is hot in the summer, then I could inform them of the obvious. Anyways I am doing a summer internship at Rocky Mountain Waterscape check them out here. I have been cleaning and maintaining ponds, but I will be starting on builds soon. Stephanie is still working like crazy at Seagate, they are sending her to Mexico twice in June, so those will be long weeks, but gets more and more excited the more her belly grows!

We will keep you updated on the baby(hopefully)


Sunday, February 5, 2012

Snow! Snow! Snow!

It has dumped snow here in the past 2 days and we have aboutish a foot on the ground. Eric was so worried about the storm Friday that he turned in his English paper a day early in case he couldn't make it on time for his 8 o'clock class. He was awake about ever hour that night opening he blinds to check on how much snow had fallen. Needless to say it wasn't the best night of sleep ever. He left 30 mins before he normally does and the drive only took him 10 minutes longer so he was plenty early for his English class. He has been so excited all weekend over the snow and wanting to check if its still snowing and lighting up like a kid. Lucky for me, I just worked from home and so didn't have to drive out in the snow and slush. But Eric took my car Friday cause it has snow tires so it got even filthier..... poor thing is never going to be clean.

This week was a normal one of work and homework. Meetings and projects seem to take up most of our nights. We did end up going out for a date Saturday after we took Eric's awesome chalk 3-D project up to school and got some yummy dessert. Eric had a cream puff sundae and I had triple chocolate cake :).

Anyways thats bout the past week.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Back to School

So Eric started school on the 17th. He is taking 18 credits this semester and going to compete in PLANET (a landscape competition in Kansas in March). He has a 5 credit Spanish class and is getting used to a Buenos dias in his morning text as we are trying to pick things up quickly. It is fun to work with him, but is going to take some work to keep up with him on this class as he has it every day. We did borrow some cds from my parents for a learning Spanish program and maybe I'll play with them to help. He is also talking history, English, math, CAD, and studio so keeping busy for sure, but really nice to not have him working as it gives him enough time to get all his work done and still some Eric-Stephanie time that doesn't necessarily revolve around homework. So far the semester is looking to be good.

The 16th was my birthday and we enjoyed the long 3-day weekend to chill and relax. We got a late Christmas / early birthday present of an xbox and have been having lots of fun. My parents sent us Rockband for my birthday which arrived a few days early. We have been Lego Rockbanding it out and have lots of fun jamming and have spent so much more time downstairs then ever before. It was like our computers upstairs got forgotten and there wasn't homework, so we just didn't have a pull to make it up the long walk of stairs that Eric told me he so thoroughly enjoys :).

Sunday, January 8, 2012

A new year, a new post after a hiatus

So, I guess we have just been too busy this last semester with getting back into school to realize that we didn't even write at all. Oh well.

So far we are enjoying this new year. We got back from Utah on the 2nd. Stephanie had to go back to work on the 3rd so no time to help unpack and resettle in. Eric has been a great help though because he doesn't start school until the 17th so he has been taking care of all the errands and fixing the car and cleaning up, and just generally everything. Its been really nice to have time to relax and chill and just play together.

For Christmas we got a 47" TV, so we needed something to use it for (because we don't get tv, and really don't think we ever will, why pay that much for something we really wouldn't use). We ended up getting an xbox 360 and a kinect and have had a blast! We have just played the kinect adventure game it comes with, Your Fitness 2012 (part of the point was to get something to help motivate us to exercise making it fun to do when it is cold and dark outside), and Forenza2 (which we got for $3 which is awesome and probably the best $3 we have ever spent, and has let us play sitting down which was needed after all the jumping and ducking and random moving for kinect).

Also over Christmas we went through all the old computer games at my parents' house and resurrected some. Eric decided that he really likes Age of Empires II so we found a copy and he has had fun playing a lot of it. It will be interesting to see what wins out Age of Empires or xbox......

So basically we are enjoying life and time before school starts and homework consumes our lives.