Wednesday, July 4, 2012

I like to ride my bicycle!

Hello everyone!
I received a very special birthday present a week after my birthday. Stephanie bought me a bike! It is a Trek 1.2 bike, and super shiny and fast! So after we bought the bike, we of course needed the shorts with padded underwear feeling so your butt doesn't fall asleep, a jersey so you can put a phone in your back pocket and keep cool, shoes so you can forget to unclip at traffic lights and tip over, and clips of course to go with the shoes. Then after that, we were all set and ready to go for a ride! I have gone for a few rides now, and its fun and fast! I am averaging 16 mph, which isnt too bad I guess, and gives me a challenge each ride to hit. I have gotten up to 36 mph once, and hit at least 30 sometime in every ride. It does help that our house is close to a river so whatever way you go out, you are bound to come down a hill in the final stretch. It is a very fun toy and will hopefully keep me in shape and help me loose a few pounds while I am at it too. Stephanie was very nice to let me get it, and I am very happy to have it!

1 comment:

Tawny said...

I'm glad you're enjoying it! It looks like lots of fun!