Sunday, January 8, 2012

A new year, a new post after a hiatus

So, I guess we have just been too busy this last semester with getting back into school to realize that we didn't even write at all. Oh well.

So far we are enjoying this new year. We got back from Utah on the 2nd. Stephanie had to go back to work on the 3rd so no time to help unpack and resettle in. Eric has been a great help though because he doesn't start school until the 17th so he has been taking care of all the errands and fixing the car and cleaning up, and just generally everything. Its been really nice to have time to relax and chill and just play together.

For Christmas we got a 47" TV, so we needed something to use it for (because we don't get tv, and really don't think we ever will, why pay that much for something we really wouldn't use). We ended up getting an xbox 360 and a kinect and have had a blast! We have just played the kinect adventure game it comes with, Your Fitness 2012 (part of the point was to get something to help motivate us to exercise making it fun to do when it is cold and dark outside), and Forenza2 (which we got for $3 which is awesome and probably the best $3 we have ever spent, and has let us play sitting down which was needed after all the jumping and ducking and random moving for kinect).

Also over Christmas we went through all the old computer games at my parents' house and resurrected some. Eric decided that he really likes Age of Empires II so we found a copy and he has had fun playing a lot of it. It will be interesting to see what wins out Age of Empires or xbox......

So basically we are enjoying life and time before school starts and homework consumes our lives.

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