Well hello all and thanks for reading the first blog on Stephanies and my own blog! we actually have no clue of what we are doing but figure that with us being dating and all that we should create a blog! Well I figured that I would give everyone my side of the story of how Stephanie and I came to be.
Well I guess it all started back in 7th grade, we both went to Canyon View Jr. High and were running track, and if you know either Steph or myself you know that we both love running, and were runners through jr high and high school. So we were on the same team in 7th grade and we first made contact and became friends. I do not remember a lot about our jr high life, well I try to block it out of my head. I guess the first time that I actually looked at Stephanie and was like wow, she is amazing was in 10th grade, we were just little sophomores. I remember throughout the 10th grade liking her. If my brain remembers correctly we had 10th grade health together and yes I do remember I was lucky enough to sit by her, and actually remember the exact spot in the classroom that we sat. I really liked Stephanie back then but for some reason she thought that school was more important than boys. I asked her to Prom that year, and we had a wonderful time. There was a picture that we had taken the night of prom that I had in the truck of me and her, when I got off my mission the picture was still there, I was cleaning out the truck and had found it and instead of throwing it away I for some reason kept it. I went through that year of high school and realized towards the end that it would never work, she didn't really seem interested and so I decided to give up and move on. We continued to be great friends in high school, I remember many times that we would be at track meets freezing and I would always prefer to sit by her while cheering for the team, I think at the time it was because she always had good food to snack on such as wheat thins, chex, and of course my favorite was her honey nut chex, those were so delicious! We were team captains together our senior year for cross country.
I left for my mission in the West Indies on July 6th, 2005. I left behind many of my friends and actually never even thought I would see Stephanie again, she was leaving to go to school out of state and I figured I might run into her at the grocery store or something many years down the road. I dont think that we ever wrote a single letter to each other through my entire mission.
After returning from my mission in 2007 I was getting a group together to go wave running and invited Stephanie to come with me which she gladly accepted. I believe that this was just a short run to the lake in the afternoon but we still had fun. This activity was the first contact we had really had since graduation. She told me at this point that she was going to study abroad in Switzerland for 10 months, I asked if I could recieve her emails when she was out there and faithfully read and responded to almost every one. I had a girlfriend at the time but continued to follow through with her travels in Europe.
Following her arrival back in the states I felt a closer connection with her, and wanted to have a friend that I could use to help keep up my French skills. A few weeks after she returned she went on a trip with her family. Her and I were texting the entire time, it was fun for me because I was getting to hear about how her life had been for the past three years. She returned home after that week long trip and I wanted to do a french dinner. I invited to my parents house my girlfriend at the time along with her sister, and Stephanie. Stephanie brought a Swiss dessert and we played a good game of Settlers with the guests. After leaving my mom and I both realized that Stephanie was an amazing person and that her and I needed to be good friends for life. It had never crossed my mind that me and her would actually date, I figured a friendship would be great to have with someone like her. After a few complications I didn't feel right about dating my girlfriend anymore and we broke up. That same week I invited Stephanie to come watch a movie with me, I remember that first night that we hung out for the first time in what seemed like forever, I was very cautious of what I did considering I had just broken up with my girlfriend that same week. As I look back now I can only laugh that at the end of the night we didn't even hug. That following week we went to another movie, This time I felt comfortable enough to give her a hug at the end. We continued to do things together and it almost was instantaneous that we were dating. We couldnt stay away from each other, We began to do things daily, which then didnt seem long enough, and would continue into the wee hours of the morning. This was durring the time of the olympics and it just happened to be that they would come on late in the night. We loved spending time together, if we could have we would have spent every moment together for the rest of that summer.
I was offered a job at Henry Schein as a eSubmissions Tech by my sister and took it. I needed money and also felt like a need for a break in schooling. I accepted the job and for our end week together we were separated for 8 hours a day by training for my job. Durring this short period of time I also bought a car that Stephanie and I picked out. I had plans on putting every penny towards the car and was hoping to have it paid off in febuary of 2009.
As my mom quoted "Life is what happens when you are making other plans" this became true as we were separated by the distance of hundreds of miles. The first weekend that Stephanie was in Washington she bought tickets to fly down between that time and thanksgiving. we realized that one visit in that time would not be enough, so we bumped it to three! we are completely in love and are so happy together.
On January 5th I will be moving to Spokane to be closer to Stephanie.